PuppyroCat Neck Collar
Product has not yet been released.
– Product is almost ready to be released.
ㆍ The PuppyroCat Neck Collar only contains the neck collar.

ㆍ The PuppyroCat Neck Collar can be worn by adjusting the strap around the neck.

ㆍ The PuppyroCat Neck Collar can be worn regardless of body shape/size.

Materials and Origin of Product
Front Side of Neck Collar (Face): 100% cotton, PU coating

Back and Body of Neck Collar: 100% cotton

Filler Material of Neck Collar: PU sponge foam

Origin: Republic of Korea

PuppyroCat Collar PuppyroCat Neck Collar PuppyroCat Soft Neck Collar
Features Integral clothing and neck collar Neck collar Only for animal hospitals, ultra lightweight

Will Never Choke the Animal

It can be worn like clothing and will not tighten around the animal's neck as it does not have a neck strap.

Regular Neck Collar

It can be worn regardless of body shape/size as it is just the neck collar.

Ultra Lightweight

It is very lightweight and made from medical non-woven fabric. It is made for hospitalized dogs and cats.

Disadvantages The size needs to be selected according to body shape/size. It is difficult to properly adjust the neck strap. It can only be washed and used for a few times.
Common Things

One neck collar can be used in three different ways depending on the purpose of treatment.

Neck Strap X

Uses a special stopper

Uses a special stopper

Price Range High Price Mid-Price Mid-Price
  • Special Stopper: A special stopper that is only applied to PuppyroCat products. It can be easily adjusted and is made to remain attached.
  • The price is a relative comparison between PuppyroCat products, not a comparison with third-party products.